Morning: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 10: 30am
Evening: 5:30 pm everyday
Fridays: 4:30 onwards

The Abhishekams are performed to Lord Kalahasteeswara and Goddess Gnana Prasunambika four times a day.

The Abhishekam: A ritual and part of daily prayers, Abhishekams (bathing the Lingam) are performed to Lord Kalahasteesvara. The Abhishekam is done with Panchakarpura (camphor mixed with water, honey, milk, camphor and Panchamruta) along with chanting of the mantra, which signifies the act cleansing and singing melodious hymns of praises to the Lord. However, the main Lingam is not touched by any human hands and all the prayers and Panchkarpura Abhisheka are offered to the bronze idol called as Utsavamurty. Pilgrims who visit the temple can participate in the Abhishekam that are performed by priests belonging to Bhardwaja Gotra of Apsthmaba Sutra who take up the approved Diksha, a religious initiation, in the temple. During the Abhishekam, flowers, sandal paste and scared threads are offered to the lord.

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